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"The millionth circle" refers to the circle whose formation tips the scales and shifts planetary consciousness. The phrase comes from Jean Shinoda Bolen's book The Millionth Circle: How to Change Ourselves and The World, which in turn was inspired by "the hundredth monkey," the story that sustained anti-nuclear activists in the 1970-1980s to continue on when conventional wisdom said that nothing (certainly not ordinary people) could deter the nuclear arms race between the superpowers.

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Janet T.

Maldon, Vitoria,

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There is much to learn from many of the practises and arrangments between indigenious people of our earth.

There are still pockets of tribal people with a continuem to the ancient ways. In Australia we have seen these people survive against the cruelest circumstances.

It is a difficult journey with much separation and pain going over generations. The new Australian Government has now said SORRY, long time over due.

Commonwealth Policies past and present have inflicted unreasonable and alien standards on cultures that Europeans knew just about, nothing about.

Like so many other wonderful grandmothers at this time, I am concerned about the moral breakdown in our society. The lack of guidance through any inspirational governing body.

I can see so much wisdom in women around me, oh yes, and some wonderful men too,

Our beautiful abundant earth has begun to change, largely from the effects of human materialism, self obsession and greed.

I don't know what will stop this uncontrolled addicted monster taking our planet to the brink Already other species for a long time have been disappearing now it is ourselves that is threatened. Yet the machine keeps pumping the spoils from her soils.

Blessed human beings, here on this site we do not have the heart to ignore it .

Let the western abundance be injected into those living in third world standards. Include Indigenious Australians many in remote communities, and see abundance not as $$$ but as time and focus and functional/respectful relationships, and human rights, and supported help directed to ensure self determination that brings about a freedom for a peaceful harmonious existance of those well loved people. . Is THAT possible?

And lets have a Governing body of regretful politicians to extend a heartfelt appology that has no restrain in saying . . WE have been wrong, We ARE SO VERY SORRY, What can we do to make it up to you? . . .and you, and you, ..... and do Listen!! sea of hands waving!!!!

Cheers starlight1 out

My Dream
That one day an Adoptive Parent will come up to me and say they didn't understand and now that they do ythey wish to get help - so they will get it right for their kid/s.

That one day all adopted people will rise up and insist the future for children's legal rights will always include continued filiation with their natural families. Thus ensuring no individual is disinherited from their biology again!

Gardening!!!!!! Composting, Performing Arts, drawing, live music, friendship, the moon, stars, clouds, sunsets, and all the life on earth that i can observe and interact with. kids, swimming holes, cricket balls & bats. justice, joy,

Compassionate Women working for world transformation and human integrity towards other life forms we share earth with.

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