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From: Sally P.
Date: Sunday, September 22, 2013, 8:56 AM
Subject: Inner Peace Retreat in Northern California
ID: 273655

Reframe your challenges and stress from a place of peace, and your challenges will become your opportunities. Come expand your inner light at a weekend retreat at the Stillheart Institute. You will relax in the tranquillity of nature and nurture your heart with the sounds and vibrations that carry you on a deep inner journey to peace. This will be an incredible experience of sound with alchemical singing bowls and gongs,  yoga with singing bowls, and a labyrinth walk with drumming. You will receive personal Avesa balancings, to bring crystalline light into your chakras lifting your vibration and consciousness. I Ching balancing will bring you greater balance mentally, emotionally and physically.  Reserve your weekend of peace and tranquility at the beautiful Stillheart Institute in Woodside, CA!

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