Circle Connections

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From: Christina Brewer
Date: Sunday, June 7, 2009, 11:44 AM
Subject: Summer Choosing Peace e-Course Offered – Register Now!
ID: 268337

Greetings Circle Connections Women --

I am a member of Circle Connections and also of Vessels of Peace, one of the sister organizations of Circle Connections here at LightPages. I send the information below about a Vessels of Peace email course offering in which you or your friends may be interested. Please do not use the Reply Button or Reply Link on this Circle Connections bulletin board email posting -- that means all Circle Connections women see your reply. Instead if you have questions or want to sign-up for the course, please send an email to And, if you would like to know more about Vessels of Peace, go to our website at or our LightPages site at

With much gratitude to all of you for your wonderful service in the world,


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In 2003, in response to local area women’s requests for more in-depth support and guidance on how to be a vessel of peace in everyday life, Lynda Terry, founder of Vessels of Peace, developed and offered a 12-week course, Choosing Peace. The course was so well received that she converted it to an email course format so more women could participate. Ever since then, it has become a frequent Vessels of Peace offering.

The Choosing Peace e-course is again being offered this summer, and you are invited to join with the Vessels of Peace Core Circle and other Vessels of Peace women for 12 weeks (plus two bonus weeks for a total of 14 weeks) of deepening your capacity to choose peace. This course is suitable for new members of Vessels of Peace as well as long-term members and/or those who have taken it before. (You do not need to be a member of Vessels of Peace to take the course. However, you are encouraged to join; there is no charge for membership.)

See below for course details and registration instructions. Note that the first lesson goes out on Friday evening, June 19th (in less than two weeks on the weekend of the summer solstice), so reserve your space now. Also note that proceeds from the e-course go toward the cost of maintaining and enhancing the Vessels of Peace website. Do feel free to reply to this email if you have questions.

Core Circle members are looking forward to being with you this summer as we learn together how to more completely and consistently choose the path of peace in all areas of our lives. The following is offered for your contemplation:

Non-peaceful thoughts are simply peace knocking at our door. We can stay closed up with our non- peaceful thoughts, or we can open the door. Either way, it’s our choice.

Blessings from The Core Circle of Vessels of Peace

(Wende Bartley, Laurel Boyd, Christina Brewer, and Karen Latvala)


The Vessels of Peace Choosing Peace e-Course

Summer 2009 (June 19th – September 21st)

Course description:

The Choosing Peace e-course, created by Vessels of Peace founder Lynda Terry, and taught by the current Core Circle, is seen as a foundational training for living one’s commitment to be a vessel of peace. The 12-week course (plus two bonus weeks) is organized around three themes (each with four lessons): Choosing Peaceful Thoughts, Choosing Peaceful Words & Speech, and Choosing Peaceful Actions. So in the first segment, for example, each week’s lesson will look at an aspect of how to understand and transform mind patterns that keep us from thinking peacefully. Peaceful thoughts lead to more peaceful words and speech, which in turn lead to more peaceful actions/behaviors - so each segment’s theme builds on and complements the previous one.

On the weekend before each week of the course, you will receive an email (sent on Friday evening or Saturday morning) containing a brief lesson for the next week’s theme-related topic as well as suggestions for further contemplation and for applying the lesson in your daily life. You are free to work with the lessons at your own pace and in your own way. You are not required to email anything back to the Core Circle, but sharings and questions are welcomed if you feel so guided.

The two additional weeks (one after the first four-week segment on Choosing Peaceful Thoughts and another after the second four-week segment on Choosing Peaceful Words & Speech are for two teleconference calls. The Core Circle will facilitate the calls for anyone taking the e-course who wishes to ask questions and share experiences. Also, one of the Core Circle members will lead a guided meditation as part of each call. The calls, while optional, are a popular part of the course. As a prior course participant wrote, “Sharing our experiences [during the calls] helped ground the lessons for me and take them to another level.” A third conference call with a similar format will be held during the final week of the course. All three conference calls will be recorded for those not able to attend. There is no additional charge for the calls; however, your normal long-distance charges will apply.

A former participant commented about the course overall: “This course helped me move what was a lot of head knowledge into a practical working heart experience. I was able to make many connections that had previously eluded me.” And another said: “I loved the course - it was extremely helpful in my own life. Thank you for offering it.”

Course fee & registration instructions:

The suggested energetic exchange for the 12-lesson Choosing Peace e-course (including the three conference calls) is a sliding scale from $36 - $72 (just $3 - $5 per lesson). Please allow your guidance to bring forth the exchange for your circumstances. If your guidance is to send more, it will be gratefully received. If your circumstances are such that you are unable to pay for all of part of the course, scholarships may be available. All proceeds from the course go towards the costs of maintaining and enhancing the Vessels of Peace website, which many find a haven of peace and inspiration. To register for the course, send an email to to reserve your spot in the course. Include in your response: your name, city, state/country, and the email address to which you want your lessons sent. All registrations must be received by Wednesday, June 17th (note that this is less than two weeks from now). You will receive a reply email with instructions for payment. Then send your payment (US funds only in a check or money order) according to the instructions. No credit card or PayPal payment options are available. NOTE: Payment must be received by Saturday, June 20th, to be included in the course.


Thank you for sharing this news and our website information with your family, friends, and other organizations.