Circle Connections

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From: Ann Smith
Date: Friday, July 3, 2009, 1:08 PM
Subject: Happy Independence Day
ID: 268518

Happy Independence Day

Wishing you a great celebratory weekend and reflection time on what independence means today for us as global citizens. What would happen if we had independence from fossil fuels, toxic chemicals and plastic bags and containers? I believe that following this dream will lead to some of the most exciting and rewarding actions that we will accomplish in our lifetime.

Imagine if all the species of Earth could vote to keep or not to keep us humans in charge of the planet. It seems to me the only ones who would vote yes would be the well-treated dogs and house cats. The good news is that we are awakening to the eco-crisis and changing our life-styles. Members of Circle Connections are growing into eco-fabulousness, leading the way in preserving and protecting the natural world. We are seeking funding to provide free Being Green classes as a community service. We want to make this so appealing that everyone especially those who have not been awakened will attend. What about changing the name Being Green to something such as Eco-Fabulousness? We would love to hear from you and get your help in co-creating a healthier and greener world.

Happy 4th of July to all Americans and to all of our friends far and near. Namaste!!! Ann & Rhonda