Water Convergence

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From: Shalahna Kim
Date: Thursday, August 11, 2011, 6:59 PM
Subject: Beautiful Community
Reply to: 272203
ID: 272233

This is interesting, I was at a traditional camp out and one woman was sharing with me how to make offering to the water and she said to make a little opening in the earth along the shore and bury the offering there. Then I came back and see that is what you are realizing as well! I am working more with stones now.

Oh yes and a big AHO on the work with the ancestors. they are reaching across the dimension at this time. I am looking forward to being able to attend our monthly grandmothers meeting this month. I have been out of town for the past 3.

Blessings of Love and Gratitude,


--- On Sun, Jul 24, 2011, in msg272203, Lavonne Rees wrote ---

Dear Sisters and Brothers~ We had a great picnic yesterday. Lots of work with our Ancestors.

As I have been mentioning I have been getting a strong message from the mineral kingdom to place the stones/crystals back into Mother Earth. This is an added piece to the stones/crystals that I have over the years added back to the Water during a some of my Water Ceremonies.

What came to me yesterday was that I have been adding the stones to blood of the Mother and now adding them back to earth will be assisting with stabilization and harmony for Mother by honoring the fact that the stones are the bones of the Earth.

In the mining of the mineral kingdom we have depleted some necessary parts of our Mother. They have taught us the lessons they came forward to teach us and now some long to return home. The spirit thats lives in these Stones lives in you and me.

I am to so Grateful and humbled by the insights of the Divine.

