Water Convergence

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From: Lavonne Rees
Date: Wednesday, July 24, 2013, 7:29 PM
Subject: Harmonic Convergence 2013
ID: 273592

Good Evening Beloveds~ I am waiting for the Sun to set for Sufi Dancing under the Moon Light. I feel the energies buliding for the Day out of time, global meditations, connecting heart to heart as ONE LOVE. It is time to attune yourself to the Natural Rhythms of Gaia. I have taken my shoes off and dressed myself in flowing clothes, My Circle of lights is ready to be lite reflecting in the Sacred Water Drums that are drinking in the moonlight.

For tomorrow I shall focus on the stillness, honoring creation and the ability to amplify my intention of Love and Blessings for our Waters at the beginning of the next 26,000 year Mayan Cycle.

I would love to hear how you are connecting you heart beat and what this time means for you.
