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Scroll down to see our current sister organizations. Thank you for all you do to build a better world...

Join us as a sister organization!

Our criteria are simple:
*Is your organization nonprofit?
*Is it in alignment with the values expressed in
GTW's Vision Statement and Covenant?
*Do you want to explore new models for collaboration?

Contact Jeanie DeRousseau for assistance with posting your organization.

. . .


We believe that an incredible synergy is possible when organizations come together in one container – for connection, for sharing information and resources, for collaboration on projects. We believe that through such collaborative connection we discover abundance and effectiveness in supporting peace, women and children, economic sustainability, environmental issues, health concerns, and myriad other intentions contributing to our planetary well-being.

We believe when we can all gather together we will indeed "see our numbers and our strength and come to understand that together we are, in fact, unstoppable."

Here you will find information about our sister organizations, as well as an open invitation to join us. We welcome new sister organizations into the Matrix who share our values and feel called to join this co-creative process.


The purpose of the Alaska Women's Network (founded in March 1996) is to further the empowerment of Alaskan women through sharing of information, education, support and through encouraging the development of skills which will enable women to assume leadership roles in building a better world. AWN, working with women from all communities throughout Alaska, encourages participation from urban and rural women and from all ethnic and cultural backgrounds. To achieve this purpose, and to continue the momentum of the 1995 United Nations 4th World Conference on Women held in Beijing, China, AWN maintains a statewide communication network between Alaskan women and women's organizations through our website at

Web site:


The Art Miles Mural Project is creating twelve miles with twelve different themes of murals from all over the world, each mile consisting of 440 five by twelve foot murals painted on canvas with acrylic paints. The objective of the project is to create global harmony through art, one mural at a time, one mile at a time. To date we have created over 1,200 murals with over 20,000 people from over 100 countries.

The Art Miles Mural Project is an official project of the UNESCO Decade of the Culture of Peace and the Guinness Book of World Records and will be unveiled in segments of a mile or more throughout this decade, and all together at the Pyramids of Egypt in the year 2010. The themes of each mile are; Women, Multicultural, Environment, Indigenous, Senior, Mentor, Sports, Music, Peace, Unity and Healing, Fairy Tale, and The Great Wall.

Web site:


AYA's mission is to catalyze greater levels of collaboration among the pioneers dedicated to the creation a conscious and sustainable global community.

Our team...

  • supports leaders, organizations and networks to explore, and maximize their unique contribution to the whole

  • facilitates the creation of integrated visions and strategies among players who hold different pieces of the larger puzzle

  • catalyzes the shifts in consciousness needed to transcend individual and collective obstacles to collaboration

  • develops conceptual and practical tools to create tipping points in the new paradigms. Such tools include 'big picture' synergy maps of the key players, issues and solutions emerging in different fields

Web site:


BeingChange is a process of:

Creating circles, and other containers, for people to reflect deeply on our experiences of being in this planet-time and our visions for the future

Embodying responses to these reflections through art and story

Feeding these responses back into the world and weaving a new story

Being the change we wish to see in the world by supporting each other along our personal journeys of empowerment and transformation

Web site:
Liaison: Phebe Gustafson


Out of a clear awareness of the magnificence of women, the power of circles, and the longing for connection that all women feel, Circle Connections, Inc. was called into being. Our mission is developing and fostering new models of organization and leadership based on circle principles. We serve to empower women through Circles and Connections, locally and globally. Women have an important voice to be heard and the connecting of circles is a path to peace and justice.

Web site:
Liaison: Ann Smith
LightPages network: Circle Connections


Circles of Ten: Women for World Peace is a nonprofit organization that began in Boulder, Colorado in 2001 with a vision of women connecting through peace circles around the world. It is based on the simple concept that peace resides in each of us--it just needs to be activated. We show people how to do that using a simple three-step process. Participants realize what peace means in their own lives and how they can make a difference in their families, communities and the world.

We offer training and products that allow anyone to start a circle anywhere!

We conduct circles in many locations, and also provide telephone circles to reach further. Circles have been conducted as far away as Kenya. We are rapidly making new connections to help spread our vision of a peaceful world throughout the US and to every country on the globe. We support participants in experiencing themselves as peacemakers on all levels who can make a difference in the world. Women from every race, religion, culture, sexual orientation, and national origin utilize their unique gifts to influence and effect immediate positive change.

Web site:


Creative Health Network serves an international community of people from all walks of life, nationalities, races, cultures, and ages that take an active interest in what we call "creative health." We believe creative health is a state of wholeness and well being among individuals, groups, organizations, and communities, and that our common experience is continuously being created by our individual and collective choices.

Our motto is Agreement = Manifestation

CHN's main function has been to create forums for humanitarians to meet, interact with each other, and share their visions. In our experience cooperation, creativity and a sense of community follow naturally when people come together as equals. These outcomes occur both locally and globally. These forums can be life changing major events such as the Healing Summit conferences in California, Glastonbury UK, Siberia, Australia, Israel or local meetings, retreats, workshops and peace concerts.

Web site:


Democracy in Action is a grassroots movement of women working to bring about progressive change in South Dakota and is committed to informing and energizing voters and creating a climate where progressive candidates are elected.

We Advocate:

  • The empowerment of women
  • Economic Opportunity
  • Access to affordable health care
  • Strong public schools
  • Responsible environmental stewardship
  • Native justice and racial reconciliation
  • Protection of Civil Liberties
  • Advancement of the arts
  • Global cooperation
  • Civil public policy dialogue

Web site:


Welcome to the future.

  • Individual Empowerment and Personal Accountability
  • Community Values and Social Action
  • Planetary Stewardship and Global Interconnectedness

Our goal is to inspire children and young people to get involved on many different levels of awareness. Together, we face the challenges to Mother Earth and her living systems, inspiring personal commitment in every individual to ensure safe and adequate water, environment and sanitation resources for all. Our methodologies are designed to strengthen a child's creative and critical thinking abilities in order to uncover the infinite possibility in what can appear to be a finite and challenging world.

Children, parents and teachers experience global interdependence at its best. Circle process supports interpersonal understanding through compassionate listening and peer interaction. Hands-on science, ecology and arts activities combine with an introduction to the 'real-life issues' of very basic human rights and health challenges facing the Earth's children in the developing world to create a very unique and important learning experience in a developmentally appropriate way.

Join Us. If you have curriculum ideas, passion for the children of the Earth, or feel called to bring Earth Child programming to your school, community center, or faith-based organization let us know.

Web site:


(Fountain of Hope for Girls and Women)

The woman occupy irrefutably a second role in the society of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (former Zaire). Indeed, the sort of Congolese women do not constitute of the all a preoccupation for the government. Taken between the fire of fights without thank-you to be able it, the women of the Democratic Republic of the Congo are abandoned to their sad sort. In this mood genocide terror , the case of Congolese women can appear as a detail facing the humanitarian disaster that result in this very moment.

The lack of work beats his full, the famine has attains his higher level, a family gives itself to eat rotary, the girls that sell their body (prostitute themselves) to win their daily bread, the families do not have means to pay the studies to their children thus the rate illiteracy do not stop is growing daily and criminality beats his record. But for the Centre hope for Girls and Women, that will not be never! For the respect of children and women this region, pass also by the respect unconditional of the one that give them birth! Seeming all what precedes, we have decided the creation of the Non-Governmental organization, for the Rights and the liberty of the women, her Protection, her sexual Independence and her self-sufficiency for her Future. Educate a woman this is to educate the whole Nation!

Web site:


Foundation for a Healing Among Nations

Contact: Bonnie Mansdorf


The Foundation for A Healing Among Nations, a not for profit organization, is a spiritually based peace fellowship working collaboratively with organizations, leaders and citizens of the world to develop creative solutions which shape and enhance a higher quality of life at the local, national and international level. Our vision is to support multidisciplinary methods which foster the power of love, evoking the highest potential of individuals which may develop socially responsible and compassionate human beings.

In September, 2003, in coordination with the United Nations International Day of Peace, 12 women from war torn countries & the a delegation from the U.S. will tour America by bus to share their hope, their love, their wisdom and their visions of peace. The first group will be Iraqi, Afghani, Israeli and Palestinian women. They will be attending the 2003 Gather the Women Congress. Every two months a new region of the world will tour America. They will meet with women from all walks of life in cities across the United States to listen and to be listened to; to heal and to be healed. They will exchange and promote ideas which deepen understanding of one another and the challenges of their country; sit and stand and sing and dance in circles sharing spiritual traditions of peacemaking opening their hearts and mind to compassionate action.

Web site:


At this time of rapid change in human society and global ecology there is a need for the connecting, coordinating, and integrating of individual and organizational initiatives working on behalf of balanced, ethical, and life-enhancing evolution for humanity and Earth. This is the vision of the Center for Conscious Evolution-to serve as a central resource hub for individuals and communities worldwide that are choosing to embrace and apply the emerging principles, tools, and templates of co-creative self and social conscious evolution.

Web site:


Garden of Gethsemane Center, Inc. is a faith-based nonprofit organization who seeks to "Connect the Unconnected, whether as individuals or as organizations." We connect programs and individuals for greater service to women and youth, provide conferences for women and young girls to promote personal development, community involvement and women/family empowerment and provide support and resources for women in ministry.

We believe that it is through the combined efforts of concerned women and organizations that change, community empowerment and community mobilization will take place.

Web site:


Gather the Family is a living matrix of partner organizations, families and individuals who are committed as authors of The New Family Story, redefining and gently revolutionizing the way human family lives life.

Action is anchored through Gather the Family events, programs, creative celebrations, partnerships, education, circles and treasures. We are the guardians of a new civilizational paradigm, rich in exchange of cultural values benefiting seven generations from now.


Inviting women and their organizations to come together locally and globally, to respond to the call for global unity among women, to explore and evolve new models of leadership, to co-create the greatest arising of women's wisdom ever known...

Gather the Women Global Matrix invites women to meet in person, at whatever level is empowered by the call within, twice a year on International Women's Day and in mid-Fall. We "gather" by telecalls to mutually support one another by building a field of high intention and by sharing ideas for the gatherings themselves.

We also invite women to come together online, to build local online networks, while staying connected into the Global Matrix. By connecting our communities into a global presence, by sharing what works with each other, we activate the incredible wisdom of women on a global scale.

Web site:
LightPages network: Gather the Women Global Matrix


We are an active region of Gather The Women Global Matrix and in alignment with their goals by definition.

Web site:
Liaison: Angie Lux
LightPages network: GTW Global Matrix: Nevada County CA - USA


The unusual goal of this project is not to seek a solution Palestinian conflict, but instead to create an image that hopes for peace, and that might open our imagination to new ways of living together. Therefore we aim to:

1) Educate ourselves and others about the history and complexity of the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians

2) Keep our actions apolitical, not working for or against any particular faction, but instead to make our actions humanitarian

3) Seek the healing that interaction between peaceful individuals can offer, and to offer this as a path toward solution, if not the solution itself.

Web site:


The mission of the Global Coalition for Peace is:

  • To propagate the importance of non-violence (ahimsa) for an effective and positive societal transformation leading to world peace.
  • To explore and practice the ways in which violence can be replaced by non-violence (ahimsa): in our personal lives (anger), homes (domestic violence), schools (bullying and criminal actions), workplace (harassment and abuse), in sports (intentional injury), daily life (road rage), etc.
  • To support all actions conducive of the unity of human kind regardless of man-made barriers as created by religious, national, ethnic, economic and political differences,
  • To promote universal understanding of the relationship of human beings as a planetary family unit,
  • To uphold the notion of the sacredness of human life,
  • To explore the magnitude and different forms of economic slavery,
  • To promote Satyagraha as defined by M.K. Gandhi as "The Force Borne Out of Truth and Love."

Web site:


To stimulate a realization that all have similar hopes and dreams, newsletters and the network's website help link humanity around the world. Familiarity breeds tolerance, then love and understanding, and this leads to peace. By coming together in global meditation to help solve problems both large and small, the act itself strengthens global consciousness which also leads humanity toward a goal of peace.

Web site:


Founded upon the humanitarian values of Maurice Pate, the founder of UNICEF, and based upon the spiritual tradition of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Godstow Retreat Center is a meditation and yoga center that promotes the spiritual wisdom and compassion of Tibetan Buddhism. Together, wisdom and compassion act as powerful catalysts for positive change. Godstow is the former residence of Martha and Maurice Pate, two visionaries dedicated to the cause of world peace. Maurice Pate was the founder of UNICEF, the United Nation's Children's Fund, and Martha Lucas Pate was a scholar of religion and philosophy, and former university president.

Web site:


HER PATH is a non-profit International Organization that creates opportunity for women to recognize their potential, deepen their awareness, and provides the tools necessary to take steps towards fulfilling their goals and dreams. We help women become leaders within their community by providing support and guidance to make it through the obstacles that they will encounter, and help transform struggles into strengths in order to walk on their path of purpose. Her Path creates these opportunities by means of outdoor retreats, workshops, and our mentorship program.

Web site:
Liaison: Jennifer Fink


Through films, circles, projects and retreats, ITGF nurtures women within an emerging culture of inner wisdom and heart-based relationships. Together, we step forward as a confluence of women to create a mighty wave of positive change. Our first two initiatives are: The Heart To Lead film, introducing the wisdom arising in hearts everywhere, and our Inward Journey Letter Circle, inviting women residing in prison and women in the free world to share their wisdom, unbounded by walls of any kind.

Web site:
Liaison: Bonnie Kelley


The International Feng Shui Guild is an umbrella organization meant to be a benevolent oasis for all schools of Feng Shui, connecting and serving professional practitioners as well as anyone interested in the ancient Oriental art/science of Feng Shui. We are a non-profit organization made up primarily of volunteers. We encourage the free exchange of all approaches to Feng Shui, fully realizing that it has continually adopted, adapted, and evolved new methods and cures in its thousands of years of practice. The IFSG is dedicated to advancing the practice, teaching and use of Feng Shui globally.

Web site:


IFLAC PAVE PEACE is an international nonprofit organization that supports, educates and promotes peace through women and their creations. We believe that women, culture and literature can promote harmony, peace, freedom, and the enrichment of the quality of life. Our main ideal is "one world and one humanity, all living in peace". One of our major goals is to help build a Middle East and a world beyond war at the beginning of the Twenty First century, by means of the unity and "Bridges" of women, and the spreading of peace literature, culture, and TV by Satellite Peace Programs and Films. This endeavor is in harmony with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights embodied in the Charter of the United Nations.

The main goals of IFLAC

  • To strive through the unity of women, toward the promotion of peace and mutual respect between people and nations.
  • To promote social, cultural and religious tolerance between people.
  • To eliminate terror and violence in all its forms.
  • To organize peace culture women researchers, writers, intellectuals and friends of literature.
  • To encourage women creativity that promotes culture and peace.

    Web site:

    International Women's Information Network United for Women in Need is an organization dedicated to helping women in the U.S. and around the world to become more self sufficient and prosperous. Our primary goal is to empower women to empower themselves thus enabling them to not only take control of their own lives but to play a greater role in reshaping the future of our planet. A future that we along with many others believe must work towards economies based on sound ecological sustainability, reduction of poverty and unquestionable human rights in the interest of achieving world peace.

    Web site:


    International Women's Information Network United for Women in Need is an organization dedicated to helping women in the U.S. and around the world to become more self sufficient and prosperous. Our primary goal is to empower women to empower themselves thus enabling them to not only take control of their own lives but to play a greater role in reshaping the future of our planet. A future that we along with many others believe must work towards economies based on sound ecological sustainability, reduction of poverty and unquestionable human rights in the interest of achieving world peace.


    We are part of a tradition inspired by a dynamic social movement— born in a historical moment often remembered as The Decade of Women.

    The distinct presence of Women's Studies in U.S. higher education is a marker of sorts – marking a significant admission: a big, old, recurring blindspot in mankind's quest for knowledge … and wisdom. The blindspot in a word: womankind.

    Women's Studies dares to put old 'truths" to the test—and dares, too, to listen hard, look closely, "meet the universe halfway" (to borrow the words of Karen Barad). We trust that perspectives which can open, change and grow just might make the world better—and make us better, too.

    Our program is sustained through a network of committed faculty across the curriculum who believe in the importance and value of such work.

    In a nutshell, the KSU Women's Studies Program offers students a chance to experience the sort of vital, timely and ultimately necessary shifts in perspective that come from daring to re-consider "it" all—with the female half of the human race factored into the countless schemes-of-things— and not as 'the second sex.' Rather, primary, fundamental, essential and real.

    Kent State's Women's Studies Program offers flexible and diverse coursework that taps into the distinct scholarship across fields and disciplines known as Women's Studies.

    Web site:
    Liaison: Suzanne Holt


    The Madonna Ministry is a fast growing worldwide ministry of over 600 ministers, representing a vast diversity of expression and depth of experience and wisdom. The Madonna Ministry is a "Church without Walls" - meaning we have no dogma or a codified or enforced way of being or doing.

    Our ministers come from every flavor of spiritual expression to create a sacred circle of truth, integrity, support, love, creativity and expression of the Divine Mother and Divine Will & Purpose. The Madonna Ministry, in radiating the Divine Mother's Love, Compassion and Healing into the world, is fulfilling the Divine Plan as individually and collectively we lend our energies, vibrations and frequencies, our talents and knowledge, our hands and hearts to the overall mission of the Divine Mother – to Heal the World.

    Web site:


    Mama Na Dada International is a non-governmental organization working towards securing a better future for the African girl/child through provision of culturally appropriate support and education. The organization is registered in the UK with offices in Kenya.

    Web site:


    Intention Statement:

    Circles encourage connection and cooperation among their members and inspire compassionate solutions to individual, community and world problems. We believe that circles support each member to find her or his own voice and to live more courageously, and intend:

    • to seed and nurture circles, wherever possible, in order to cultivate equality, sustainable livelihoods, preservation of the earth and peace for all.

    • to bring the circle process into United Nations accredited non-governmental organizations and a 5th UN World Conference on Women.

    • to connect circles so they may know themselves as a part of a larger movement to shift consciousness in the world.

    Web site:
    LightPages network: Millionth Circle


    Founded in 1979 and fostered by Dr. Jean Houston, The New Ways of Being Institute is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to advancing human consciousness and developing skills for a rapidly evolving world through artistic, educational, scientific, spiritual, and communal events and projects. It's primary focus in 2004 is to spread Social Artistry in Leadership in conjunction with the International Institute for Social Artistry and the United Nations Development Program.


    Peace X Peace is an international nonprofit that connects women across cultures through the internet to create a more balanced, peaceful world where our lives and voices are honored.

    Mercy Ogbonna Chidi, co-director of Ripples International in Meru, is the Peace X Peace Global Liaison for Kenya. With Mercy’s leadership, Peace X Peace has matched scores of women’s Circles in the US with Circles in Kenya for conversations that make strangers into friends, and make friends as dear as family. Visit to find your friends in Kenya and enjoy our rich array of online resources.

    Web site:



    ReDefining Ourselves in a World of Change

    VISION: To live in a peaceful, sustainable world united by shared ideals about the value and connectedness of all life on our planet, the intrinsic worth of each individual, and the commonalities of the Human Spirit that rise above race, gender, politics, religion, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, and socio-economic status.

    MISSION: To grow a Global Coalition of individuals and organizations dedicated to promoting holistic personal growth through education and experiences that strengthen self worth and lead to personal and global well-being.

    WE PROPOSE building a core sense of self worth based on strengths that have universal appeal and cross-cultural value.

    WE BELIEVE individuals flourish mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually when grounded in a solid foundation and understanding of their true self worth.


    TO INSPIRE, Educate and Motivate TO ENHANCE Personal and Global Well-Being TO FACILITATE Self Discovery, Growth and Alignment TO EXPAND Natural Talents and Core Life Skills TO RAISE Awareness, Consciousness and Spirit TO REVEAL Personal Passions and High Ideals TO SHARE Information, Programs, Tools, Resources and Experiences TO EXPLORE the True Self and the Connectedness of All Life on Earth

    Liaison: Nancy Lyn Cotter


    Spheres purpose is to be a connecting tool serving as an expanding resource and forum for the expression of the feminine heart. It's all about connecting for the benefit of ALL!

    We launched our "Premiere Issue" of Spheres Women's Circles Magazine in May, 2000, and the response has been incredible! Women from all over are expressing their desire to create or be a part of a Women's Circle and to feel connected to other like-minded women. With this type of feedback, our growing subscriber base and advertisers, Spheres will continue to expand and grow, creating the type of connection, sharing and networking we are all craving. In turn, we will all be playing our parts in healing and raising consciousness, on many levels.

    Web site:


    Welcome to the canvas we call SpiralMuse, an organization to connect and inspire women as community, manifesting their visions and living their dreams. We celebrate depth and partnership, health and healing, and each woman's full expression for all to see, feel and experience. We honor wisdom, tradition and legacy through women sharing stories, revealing each other's essence and acknowledging our gifts.

    We invite you to connect with other women and add your unique vision to the evolving canvas of dreams. Together, we are creating a masterpiece of possibilities. We are an expression of woman as muse, as flowing, untamed energy, spiraling into a feminine community, a community we call SpiralMuse.


    The Tahirih Thealogy Empowerment Group meets regularly to study the means of empowering the woman and the world. They have recently taken on the project of working to purify our waterways here in the Perth Australia. “Thealogy” in this context simply means viewing life in consideration of the female lens

    Web site:


    The Collateral Repair Project facilitates mutually respectful relationships between Iraqis and citizens of Coalition countries by offering opportunities for dialogue and for working together to create and implement solutions to repair the devastation caused by the invasion and occupation of Iraq.

    The Collateral Repair Project is a grassroots movement, created to address the catastrophic displacement of the five million Iraqis who have had to leave behind their homes and communities because of the violence and instability that is the result of the invasion and occupation of their country. We bring together the small, overlooked, incidental persons on both sides of the conflict who grieve and ask, what can we do?

    Collateral Damage: Collateral Repair: (euphemism) (dissent) inadvertent casualties and destruction an attempt to respond to harm caused by one's own inflicted on civilians in the course of government by collaborating with injured persons and military operations. communities; to re-build; a citizen initiative to counter- See also: unintended consequence, act unjust foreign policies and generate hope on both doublespeak, unvalued life sides of the conflict.

    Web site:


    "The time is now and women must lead. It can be no other way." They are calling us to come forward and step into our power.

    Web site:
    Liaison: Lillian Reiter


    Today, hundreds of women worldwide devote countless resources toward educating women and girls about the positive aspects of menarche, menstruation and menopause. They do this in a myriad of beautiful ways within the academic, artistic, medical, mental health, social, business, spiritual and alternative educational fields. Yet, quite often they do this in isolation with little societal or financial support. At the same time, many more women and girls are seeking information and guidance about their bodies and their place in this world as women and are unable to access the help they need.

    The Red Web Project was created to address these needs.

    1. To provide a central repository for information written and compiled on the subject of positive menarche, menstruation and menopause. This will be done through a website that will become a link for menstrual educators worldwide to share resources and ideas. Additionally it will be a comprehensive resource center for public education as well as a way for anyone to find the services of a menstrual educator in their area.

    2. To become a generously funded Foundation which will support widespread free educational programs for women and girls of all economic and cultural backgrounds and

    3. To sponsor yearly conferences on the subject of menarche, menstruation and menopause for greater public education and awareness.

    Web site:


    The purpose of the Association, as expressed in its national charter, is:

    1.To heighten U.S. public awareness and increase public knowledge of global issues and their relation to the United Nations system;

    2.To encourage, where appropriate, multilateral approaches in dealing with these issues;

    3.To build public support for constructive U.S. Policies on matters of global concern;

    4.To enhance the effectiveness of the United Nations and other international institutions;

    5.To actively solicit funds and membership to achieve these goals.

    Web site: http://


    “BASHARAT-E-IBN-E-MARIAM Women and Children Development Organization” is non-profitable, non-government organization registered under Pakistan law. BIM is meant to work for the uplift, welfare and development of the distressed people in Pakistan, Particularly for the betterment of women and children through its various programs. It focuses in promotion of Justice, peace and Development of human resources among women and children enabling them to improve their health, education, economic condition as well as vocational skills. We work at grassroots level and especially for depressed women and destitute children. Our aim is to make our young generation a peaceful and civilized nation. We sports United Nation for peace process.

    Our Current projects and program: Peace conferences, Peace Pole Plantation, Peace Walk, Peace prayer, Peace Vigil and Education against small arms, skill training programs for women, peace education, awareness and education of women’s rights and dignity through seminars and workshops.


    Web site:


    Women for a Better World is a new non-profit that sprang out of the work of Awakened Woman since 1999.

    BW is dedicated to building the women's network by identifying the issues that could serve to consolidate our disparate efforts into a powerful movement. Its first mission is to alert families about the spreading danger of nuclear radiation all over the world, and the threat to our health.

    WBW is promoting the Women's Agenda for World Peace.

    Web site:


    The Women of Wisdom Foundation is an internationally recognized organization created to provide diverse and innovative programs that offer women opportunities for personal growth and transformation. We are committed to creating a safe and supportive environment where all will feel welcome to pursue their healing. By deepening spiritual awareness, Women of Wisdom serves to empower the lives of others.


    The qualities of nurturing, kindness, caring, dignity, integrity, and loving one another are innate in both women and men. Our cultures have ignored the value of these qualities and have attributed them primarily to women. Therefore it is time for women to come forward with these qualities that they know and live so well. Women contribute fully 2/3 of the work in the world. Women constitute over 51% of the population. What an impact we can have if we all think peace together, be peace together and act peace together on the same day!

    As women we have been led to believe we were powerless, therefore we were powerless. We are powerful; our work output and numbers can demand and create the changes that are desperately needed. As women, we have to do many things in our lives when we don't know how to do them. Yet we know they have to be done, so we set our intentions and accomplish our goals.

    As women we also know we can work together - we jump to immediate action in a crisis for our family, friends and neighbors during illness, natural disaster or direct attack. Our world is in extreme crisis with all the wars and the philosophy of greed as a virtue. Let us consciously invest our power in that which will bring joy, peace, and prosperity to all.


    The mission of Women's Global Connection (WGC) is to promote the learning and leadership of women throughout the world. We have interactive web site providing opportunities for online discussions, conversations, and other exchanges among women across the boundaries of culture and distance. WGC is collaborating with women and men in Mongu, Zambia and Bukoba, Tanzania, providing opportunity for capacity building and mentoring in micro-finance and early childhood development.

    You are welcome to the WGC web site! It is a virtual gathering place for women from all around the globe to meet, exchange insights and experiences, and learn from one another...about our various cultures...our wisdom traditions and spiritual practices... about women's and family...poetry and art...about changing our perspectives and healing our world...about transforming our lives and the societies we live in.

    Web site:


    The Women's Institute of Maine is a new (fall 2009) online community which holds a monthly women’s circle, offers women’s circle trainings, and provides online forums and resources to amplify women’s wisdom and voice in Maine. We also publish the stories, poems, and ideas of our members online, and look for ways to collaborate with others to offer programs and resources for enlightened women in Maine. We are run exclusively by volunteers. Our motto is "Gather the women. Change the world!" Our aim is to draw attention to the wide variety of women, practitioners, and organizations already at work for women across our state, and to gather information about what is going on for and by enlightened women in one convenient place. We hope to inspire women to develop and trust their Feminine Voice, to gather to amplify it, and to use it to better serve themselves and the world. Our vision is a balanced world in which feminine values are held equal to masculine values, both working in unison with deep wisdom, harmony, and holism for the betterment of all. We beleive the current step towards this vision is to strengthen Feminine Voice, to honor Feminine Wisdom, and to encourage Feminine Leadership. We are thrilled to join the web of connection that is the Gather the Women Global Matrix. Thank you for this beautiful way to connect individual efforts, strengthening us all!

    Web site:


    Women's Perspective is a nonprofit organization based in Fairfield, CT. It is committed to educating women about money in a new and freeing way. The goal of Women's Perspective is to enable women to experience the significant transformation that comes from integrating their economic power with their spiritual power.

    Our programs help women:

    • to discover their own power
    • to control and use money more effectively
    • to connect their economic and spiritual power

    Web site:


    Through community service, cross-cultural exchange and educational travel, World PULSE (Program for Understanding, Leadership, Service and Exchange) strives to involve young people from diverse ethnic backgrounds and low-income communities in promoting respect and understanding between people of different cultures and communities. World PULSE aims to provide the opportunities, tools and leadership skills for these young people to shape their own futures and positively affect their local and global communities.

    Web site:

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