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From: Bonnie K.
Date: Friday, April 27, 2012, 3:42 PM
Subject: Women Planning for the Parliament in 2014
Reply to: 272877
ID: 272878

PS ... Sorry for my typos ... I am answering this beautiful message on my cell phone and it Sometimes has its way of spelling things! XO Bonnie

--- On Fri, Apr 27, 2012, in msg272877, Bonnie Kelley wrote ---

Thank you Meredith for honoring us all by asking us to participate in This worthy endeavor ... I love that you were prompted to think of A way we can all contribute --- which we certainly can join you in by Adding out prayers and divine intentions into the morphic field! Thank You do much Dear One. We .. Out here ... In the sister tribe are ready, Willing and ABLE. Much Love, Bonnie Kelley

--- On Fri, Apr 27, 2012, in msg272876, Meredith Tenney wrote ---

Dear Sisters,

It has been two months since we met in NYC at CSW to support a 5th Women's UN World Conference and the outcome has been almost better than we dared hope - a living demonstration of the power of prayer and positive intentions! The wonderful news that Kofi Anan has spoken out in favor of a 5th UN Women's International Conference in San Francisco in 2015 feels like tangible evidence that Spirit is moving with us. It affirms an inner knowing that now is the time for women to exhibit spiritual leadership and model more caring and sustainable patterns of living on earth.

While at CSW, a group of us met to brainstorm together about how we women might raise awareness about the Sacred Feminine, demonstrate female spiritual leadership, and reflect feminine values at the next Parliament of the World Religions in Brussels in 2014. The restoration of the voice of the Divine Feminine is needed as never before and the Parliament offers a wonderful opportunity to accomplish that. If women demonstrate a potent expression of the Sacred Feminine in action at the Parliament it will put women squarely at the forefront of global transformation and set the stage for a movement of spirit-led women at 5WWC.

A number of exciting options were discussed at our planning meeting in February including filming a musical montage You-tube clip to take to Brussels, and options for creating a living demonstration of the Sacred Feminine in action at the Parliament. This weekend, some of us will have an opportunity to explore these ideas further at a "Women of Spirit and Faith" gathering in Atlanta, GA . Your positive intentions and prayer support for both the gathering and a powerful manifestation of the Sacred Feminine at the Parliament are needed. Please hold us in your thoughts over the next few days. May we share an update with you when the meeting concludes?

In support of the Sacred Feminine, Meredith Tenney




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