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Kathe S.

Laguna Hills, California,
United States

LightPage networks I participate in
Global Resonance Network
Additional information available Gather the Women Global Matrix
GTW Global Matrix: Africa
GTW Global Matrix: Southern California
GTW Global Matrix: Regional Coordinators
GTW Global Matrix: Europe
The Kenya Collaborative
Sophia 2010: Mission
Circle Connections
Additional information available CONSTELLATIONS OF HOPE

I have discovered that incredible place where my deepest passion intersects my greatest skills. I feel like I have been preparing my whole life to be ready for this opportunity -- and because it is such a complex responsibility I needed every aspect of my first 50 years to complete the training program.

Over those 50 years, I have been a child of a family in a town in Wisconsin, and I have been a woman living in southern California with her own family. I have been a college student at the University of Wisconsin - Madison during the tumultuous years of the Vietnam War, and I have been a high school English teacher in a rural farming community. I have been a grocery store clerk and a secretary and a rental agent and a housekeeper and a paper mill worker and the Executive Director of a non-profit organization and a psychotherapist and a volunteer. I have been married and divorced. I have been happy and depressed and filled with faith and challenged by disappointment. I have been confirmed in a Wisconsin synod Lutheran church and I have been an agnostic and a spiritual seeker and a brilliant light in the mind of God the whole time. I have been blessed to share my life with many amazing people, and the most amazing are my husband and two sons who live in the very center of my heart.

I wake up each day with genuine excitement about the vast wisdom that is being pulled into focus here on this planet at this time and especially about the women rising to bring humanity into balance. It is a profound honor to serve and it is an incredible opportunity to lead.

CONSTELLATIONS OF HOPE Connecting women and organizations into powerful new constellations of energy and resources. WOMEN OF SPIRIT AND FAITH exisits to bring the many brilliant threads of women's spiritual leadership into relationship and to support emerging transformation. This multi-tiered strategy of interfaith collaboration, organizational partnerships, women's circles and grassroots social justice action over the next three years has the power to activate a powerful global coalition of Spirit-led women and organizations with the goal to energize the connection between feminine spirituality and women's global leadership. We believe that women’s visionary leadership and practical life skills can be better harnessed to create transformational change.


Kathe Schaaf is one of the original co-founders of Gather the Women and served in the core leadership circle of that collaborative global community for five years. She weaves together her years of experience as a teacher and writer, as a non-profit director and a psychotherapist, as a mother and a community organizer with her passion about the value of feminine principles to the world. In 2004, Kathe was inspired by the vision of 6 Gather the Women Congresses on 6 Continents as a way to connect the wisdom of the world's grassroots women into new constellations of hope. She has been both a container and a catalyst helping that vision to manifest, with the first three Congresses held in Canada, Kenya and Australia in the past two years. Kathe is currently co-anchoring an invitation for women representing diverse U.S.-based women's organizations to come together for a 'collaborative conversation' in the fall of 2008. In 2006, she published a book of poetry Some Things I Know To Be True. She is also an artist, creating a series of mixed media images of the divine feminine.


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