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MaryAine C.

San Luis Obispo, California,
United States

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Additional information available GATHER THE WOMEN GLOBAL MATRIX

My first name is pronounced Mary Awn-ya. Aine being Irish and not phonetic. I am an emissary of joyful change and visionary. I seek beauty in all that is. Communication, mediation, photography and practicing alternative therapies are my way of living and being in the world. My web site is I live in paradise and have a blessed life. I grew up in a very large family, most of us live in the same area. I have two great kids that are grown and on their own and two grandsons. I have wonderful women in my life and love meeting new sisters. We celebrate monthly ceremonies and I want to begin a new gathering of women waking up and restoring balance between men and women in a divine and conscious manner.

My Dream
Writing and publishing several books for children and women about trusting your inner wisdom. I love giving global workshops and talks. I love to travel and take photos and meet people from around the world.

People, peace, healing, nature, phography, writing.


I'm a seeker and visionary. I seek beauty and pray peace. I'm seeking my tribe to explore thought and possibilities. There's more....................

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