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colleen s.

United States

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Additional information available GATHER THE WOMEN GLOBAL MATRIX
Standing Women

I'm a solitary writer in the area of transpersonal psychology,specifically in the areas of soul, the rising of the divine feminine, and spiritual emergency. I'm searching for folks who want to share their spiritual emergency stories. My website:


I've been on the fringe of the mainstream for my whole life, and since I've reclaimed some of my femaleness, I increasingly respect my position and the contributions of others.


What are my lifetime skills and experiences?
I've always had an artistic orientation and close (for my society!) relationship with nature. I'm a mother, grandmother. I homeschooled my 4 children in rural New Mexico. I returned to college in 2005, and now have a Master's in transpersonal psychology. My psychology orientation is Jungian, mostly. I'm a symbolist,poet, musician.

What is the call in my heart?
I am called to writing. Two books right now: one for adolescent/YA on "the course I would teach if I were an instructor at Hogwarts"- fate and destiny, Jungian shadow work, the uses of story, etc. The next will be a book on spiritual emergency- I went through one in 2003.I'm looking for people who might want to share their spiritual emergency stories. I am always trying to uncover deeper relationship with the divine feminine, and increasingly feel this remembering is perhaps the most important thing I do. My website:

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