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Diana C.

New York, New York,
United States 10301

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Gather the Women Global Matrix

After living most of her life in Munich, Germany and Santa Barbara, California Diana is now a resident of New York City. She has more than thirty years’ experience and expertise in management, marketing and sales of financial products including real estate. As the Founder and Owner of a Financial Consulting Company she helped more than 300 clients grow, maintain and protect their financial health and well-being. An equal amount of time has been invested in personal education and spiritual development with internationally recognized teachers and masters.

Diana is a NY State Licensed Real Estate Agent and Accredited International Buyers’ Agent and Property Specialist with Robert DeFalco Realty. She specializes in facilitating local and international clients a stress and hassle-free experience when buying, selling or investing in New York and/or global real-estate.

Diana is an active member of the Staten Island Board of Realtors contributing her time and knowledge in the real estate community. She is an integral part of the SIBOR Global Real Estate Council, cultivating relationships with individuals engaged in the global arena and has greatly contributed to the success of the 2014 Global Real Estate Symposium at The Vanderbilt in South Beach, NY.

Diana enjoys spending time with her two grown sons and their families and visiting with friends in Munich, Germany; Diana studied with the Korean Master Dae Peop Sa Nim and meditates daily; she is an avid reader interested in macro-economics & finances; she likes nature, music, golf, skiing, travel, and foremost of all, enjoys being and working with people from all different cultures and backgrounds.

My Dream
My purpose: catalyst for change and transformation My mission: motivate, inspire, teach, speak, mentor, support people’s growth and evolution into the powerful, creative and infinite being that they are My desire: assist in the creation of a world where inner & outer peace, harmony and well-being, joy, happiness and health, prosperity and abundance exist for everyone on this planet. My passion: help people overcome self-imposed limitations, deep-seated negative and contra-productive beliefs and emotions, patterns of thinking and behavior My approach: proven past New-Age power tools that initiate change and healing at the level of the cause (DNA or quantum) instead of merely at the level of the symptoms (manifestations) My results: empowered and satisfied clients who are able to create happier and more fulfilling relationships, a sustainable career or business, financial freedom, health and well-being in their own life and the lives of others

I have spoken and so it is.

personal growth & development quantum physics nature, music, good food, friends and wine

Doing business using a wholistic approach

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