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MaryAnn M.

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Additional information available U.N. WOMEN'S CIRCLES CONNECTING

Dear Friends,

I would like to share some of my background with you. In November, 2002, I founded the Peace Goal Project, inspired by the snowflake story and the hundredth monkey story. Peace Goal went all over the world due to many friends and in part due to a nurse who I knew was going to be a keynote speaker in Beijing, China. She was communicating with nurses from all over and included the peace goal in her communications.

I knew of no other organization doing this work and knew absolutely nothing about computers then after I had written the peace goal project just everything took off. Everything I needed came to me including volunteers and computer experts.

Now, all these years later, I go to Naples, Florida on vacation present a small program and am invited to join this delegation to the UN. Which is a vision I have held for myself since 2002. Thank you, Martha Paquin. As i sit here and read the millionth circle and all this information that arrives daily on my computer, sometimes tears come to my eyes as my heart is so full knowing the creative force of the universe is using so many open and beautiful souls to bring peace and understanding to our world.

One suggestion which I would like to add would be visualization. Let's see all blocks to peace overcome and see that energy starting as a freeflowing, gentle stream and that stream picks up momentum until it becomes an unstoppable force. We could use this daily ourselves and ask all our friends supporting us to see this happening. Very humbly I look forward to attending the UN Commission on the equality of women and peace.

In March, 2003, I was contacted by a magazine journalist for the "New Paradigm Living": Spirit in the Smokies. The journalist told me they were preparing an article for the May 2003 issue, "Mother's Day Proclamation". They had heard of my work on the Peace Goal Project, and asked if I would submit an article for the Mother's Day edition. They were running a story about Julia Ward Howe, the creator of Mother's Day, founded in 1870.

I’m uploading an article I presented and was published in May 2003 by Spirit in the Smokies magazine. After the article "A Mother's Transformation", I am also including a copy of my works: the Peace Goal Project, the Focused Intention for Peace, and What Peace Feels Like. I hope you join me in this vision.


May I introduce myself to you? My name is Mary Ann McClellan. I am from Akron, Ohio. I was an opera singer for many years as well as a church soloist.

I have had two profound transforming experiences. First, a near death experience which left me with wanting to push out all parameters and boundaries. The second moved me from a familial level of consciousness to the expanded awareness of connectedness and kinship of a world family, where this magnificent symphony of life reflects the preciousness of all life, and how we are connected and needed to strengthen the fabric of humanity. We must honor and respect our differences, help one another and live in harmony.

My joy in being invited to this conference at the United Nations is overflowing with anticipation.

The time for the love of power has passed. Now is the time for the power of love. Who does this better than women? I am hoping to join with you in making inroads to peace and moving towards righting some of the injustices that plague our world.

I so look forward to meeting you all, Marianne

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